A advocacy
L liberty
U understanding
N nurturing
A aspiration

Aluna Behaviour Consultancy Newsletter 16 - July 2023

Fabulous Fundraising
13th July 2023 was the fabulous Ghana School Scholarship Fundraising Event. The venue sits in the grounds of Soho House, the beautiful Georgian home of the Birmingham industrialist Matthew Boulton and the event took place at on the ground floor of the museum.

I met Nurudeen in 2019 when I volunteered as a teacher in Ghana and made a visit to Larabanga, in northern Ghana, the village he lives in with his family. The fund was set up in 2022 and Nurudeen started his education at Modern Preparatory School, a boarding school in the Savannah Region.
Nurudeen is now 16 and wishes his education to continue. With the backing of his school and family he wants to train to become a teacher. After just one year of formal schooling he is doggedly determined to reach this goal and, based on the progress he has made so far, he is very likely to achieve his dream.

Sonia and Annetta spent generously, bought textbooks and gave a donation from their charity Friends of Brandon Hill who support children in need in Jamaica. see their Facebook page.
The Ghana School Scholarship Fundraising event was great. There was a fantastic energy and it raised £362.44 from donations, the silent auction and mystery prize draw, more than a term's fees!! Thanks go to the donators, organisers and friends for their generosity and support. A follow up online fundraiser is planned to keep some funds coming in.

In 2025 I'd like to set up a scholarship for a girl from the village of Larabanga as well. Please support this very worthwhile cause and tell all your friends too!!
You can donate here:
Bank: Virgin Money, Account Number: 90146916, Sort Code: 82-19-70
On behalf of the children of Laranbanga, thank you.

Thank you.