A advocacy
L liberty
U understanding
N nurture
A aspiration
Aluna Behaviour Consultancy Newsletter Number 1, April 2022

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the ABC Newsletter. I hope to fill it each month with useful information, updates and feedback from anyone who accesses the support I provide.
Aluna Behaviour Consultancy is a newly formed service which aims to effect lasting changes in behaviour to contribute to the happy and healthy lives of children, young people and adults.
My work in education has spanned 36 years, predominately teaching in primary schools, but also in secondary schools, further education settings and delivering training and support to adult learners.
During eight years as a Specialist Advisory Teacher for the Behaviour Support Service in two local authorities in the Black Country, I provided schools with support for all aspects of positive behaviour management.
Aluna Behaviour Consultancy provides:
Consultation Meetings
A wide range of training packages and workshops delivered to schools, children, parents, groups and professionals
Practical, hands-on work in schools and other educational settings
A Learning Walk around the setting observing the impact of behaviour on pupils' learning, with a
detailed report
Advisory discussion about Nurture Provision
Working alongside Social Care, School Health, Educational Psychologists, Early Help and other
Staff development opportunities for all staff
PHSE sessions and assemblies
Individual and small group pupil support
Parent and family support
Bespoke support for each setting in collaboration with the staff
De-Escalation skills include useful tools to manage or prevent, in some cases, low-level incidents developing into very difficult situations that can soon become hazardous and distressing to deal with. I’m offering a three-hour training course for professionals on Friday 29th April 2022, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Book a place on the website: Aluna-ABC.co.uk
The general population don’t necessarily get the opportunity to see or experience the amazing skills and talents that people with high functioning Autism and Asperger’s may have. This play, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (with some strong language) gives an insight into the fictional character of 15-year-old Christopher Boone.
For many years I’ve been an admirer of the work of Stephen Wiltshire who is known for his panoramic drawings of well-known cities around the world.
As a child, Stephen was non-verbal; he struggled with social interaction
and a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition was rare at that time in the
1970s. I’ve been fortunate enough to visit his London gallery and see just a
selection of his incredible drawings. Visit his website: stephenwiltshire.co.uk
Aluna Behaviour Consultancy is based in the West Midlands. Some local authorities in the region have dedicated behaviour support services, while others have traded services and independent companies. When a family or staff member is facing challenging behaviour on a regular basis, it’s good to know about the agencies out there who can help. There are charities and groups who are accessible locally and national organisations for anyone who needs support. Some services offer specific training and access to learning resources.
Here are the details of some useful links to services supporting SEND needs:
Access to Education https://accesstoeducation.birmingham.gov.uk
ADHD Foundation https://www.adhdfoundation.org.uk/
Autism West Midlands https://autismwestmidlands.org.uk/
Birmingham City SEND Information, Advice & Support Service
CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service) Birmingham
Nasen https://nasen.org.uk/
National Autistic Society https://www.auttism.org.uk/
SENDIASS (Solihull) https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/info/50258/sendiass
Young Minds https://www.youngminds.org.uk/
Newsletter | Aluna Behaviour Consultancy (aluna-abc.co.uk)