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Aluna Behaviour Consultancy
Newsletter Number 6, September 2022

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Training & Workshops - Academic Year 2022 to 2023


Here’s the training I’m offering to schools, pupils, parents and professionals. For most there’s an option of two hours or three hours. Training for schools and professionals can be delivered online.


Training Packages:

  • Behaviour Mentor Training

  • Building Resilience for Pupils

  • Building Resilience for Staff

  • CDI Strategy (choice, decision, instruction) Training

  • De-escalation Training

  • Developing the School's Behaviour Policy

  • Managing High Risk Behaviour

  • Mid-day Supervisor Training

  • Peer Mediation Training

  • Positive Behaviour for Effective Learning

  • Positive Playground Behaviour

  • Support Assistant Training

  • Supporting Emotionally Vulnerable Children

  • Transactional Analysis

  • Transition Support for Year 2

  • Transition Support for Year 6​

Training for Professionals:

  • Three-hour of any training package above

FREE Webinar – Thursday 15th September & Professionals Training – Friday 16th September

I’ll be running a webinar entitled “Why You Need Me” on Thursday 15th September at 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm where I’ll be sharing with educators how I can support the pupils, staff and parents in your setting. Book your place here: Access Free Services | Aluna (

I’m delivering Professionals Training on “De-escalation” on Friday 23rd September at 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. This is useful where children’s challenging behaviour worsens very quickly. This training is £25.00 per person. Book your place here: Professionals Training | Aluna Behaviour Consultancy (

Some forthcoming Diverse Enterprise Hub events in September:


  • Thursday 8th September at 9:30 am to 10:30 am – Understanding Autism Webinar

  • Saturday 10th September at 10:00am to 11:00 am - Young People, Mental Health & CCE/CSE

  • Tuesday 13th September at 9:30 am to 10:30 am - How Autistic People Process Information

  • Thursday 15th September at 9:30 am to 10:30 am - Autism and the Teenage Brain

  • Monday 26th September, at 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm - Asking for Help: What are the Barriers and How Can We Overcome Them?

Go to Diverse Enterprise Hub Meetup for details and to book your place

Resources to support children’s emotional development,

emotional intelligence and emotional literacy


  • Building Resilience Workshop for Parents

  • CDI Strategy Workshop for Parents

  • Children's Behaviour For Learning

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Feelings and Emotions

  • Getting On and Falling Out

  • I am Unique, I am Special, I am Me!

  • I'm Not Different. I'm Unique

  • Learning to Think, Feel and Respond

  • Managing Aggression, Bullying & Coercive Behaviour

  • My School Family

  • My Time is Now!

  • Rules, Rights, Respect and Responsibilities

  • Seeing Red

  • The Blue Balloon

  • Understanding Citizenship

  • Why Do I Feel Like This? Listening to My Feelings

  • Why Should I .... ?​

Terence Tortoise A hand puppet with a movable head and legs. His head and front legs retract into his shell. For children to discuss how, like a tortoise, we can be vulnerable when we feel we’re in danger and can protect ourselves from emotional harm.

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Worry monsters They love to eat worries! The worry monster's motto is 'We eat your worries'. Recommended by psychologists and teachers to act as a waste bin for the fears, troubles and woes that they don't always tell their parents about. 

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Jack and the Beanstalk Puppets

Retelling the familiar story encourages development of children’s creativity and imagination. It also provides the platform to discuss fear, bravery, lying, stealing and being honest.

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Badger’s Parting Gifts In this story Badger is old and knows he will soon die. When he does, his friends are sad but one by one they share their memories and realise that although Badger is no longer with them, he is still special. An age-appropriate approach to death and grief.

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The Huge Bag of Worries Wherever Jenny goes, her worries follow her in a big blue bag. Jenny decides they have to go,  but who will help her get rid of them? Exploring worries, anxiety and those important conversations to have with children.

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Superhero Costumes Whether they’re bought or handmade costumes, most child have a superhero dream of having awesome skills. This allows them to experience in reality and have fun in role playing.

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The Blue Balloon The story and unique

layout of the book is great for sharing and introducing work around exploring dreams and magic skills. Children can understand that something that seems so exciting is something they can achieve.

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Feelings in a Jar uses the simple concept with each card showing a feeling or emotion. The children can name the emotion, explain when they have felt like this or play a game with a card attached to a hat for others in a group to describe. The wearer of the hat guesses what the feeling is.

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Have You Filled a Bucket Today? This book uses an 'invisible bucket' that holds good thoughts and feelings. When you do something kind, you fill someone's bucket; when you do something mean remove some good thoughts and feelings. It focuses on how our social interactions positively or negatively affect others and encourages all to be kind.

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Big Red feather The feather can be any colour, but red is very apt and the bigger the better!! The ability to use willpower can be developed over a period of time so that children can increase the time they are able to resist giggling and pushing it away. Good for discussions about how to resist other types of behaviour and favour more positive actions. Also useful to discuss the age-appropriate concept of consent.

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