Aluna Behaviour Consultancy
Newsletter Number 3, June 2022

My aim is to help and support anyone who wants
to affect behavioural change for the better.
Here's the 3rd Newsletter!! Hope you’re finding the information in the Newsletter and on the website useful. If there’s anything you think should be in here, please let me know. It might be some information, an event, an idea, some advice, news or a celebration – I’d love to share them with others.
During April and May as well as writing and updating training, I’ve undertaken a range training myself to inform and refresh my own Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
The courses that equip me with valuable business skills include Digital Marketing; Tax and Accounting; Business Resilience; Financial Literacy and Internet Marketing. I’ve also attended a few networking events where I’m making some good connections to grow my business.
In addition, I’ve had training in Maladaptive Dissociation; Access to Mental Health Support; Developmental Language Disorder; Trauma and Mental Health Informed Schools; Understanding Self-Harm; Supporting Wellbeing & Good Mental Health; Mental Health & Primary to Secondary Transition; Racism & Mental Health in Schools; Empowering Girls and Developing a Strategy for Sexual Health Services.
By far the most informative was 'How Autistic People Process Information', which was delivered by Autism West Midlands led by neurotypical and autistic colleagues. If you haven’t had the opportunity to learn from an autistic adult, I would really recommend it, I came away with a much better understanding of the things we say to those with autism which can cause confusion or anxiety. When voiced by an adult you appreciate the issues that are experienced by children who, unfortunately, may not yet have the communication skills or formation of ideas about their experiences.
You may also be interested to attend the Autism Show at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham on 24th -25th June, 2022. Go to the website Autism Show: Birmingham
Summer is on it’s way!! Here is some information about activities you may consider for your children. Plus there’s advice about funding the sessions and free meals for children over the summer holiday.
Email AlunaABC@outlook.com, via the Contact Page, on Facebook or Twitter